Last Updated
Thursday, May 03, 2001
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Company Profile

S.C.M. Computers is dedicated to creating effecient tools for Delphi programmers in the field of dynamic data structures and applications.


My main goal is to create easy to use and efficient means to control data for applications, dynamically. The key to any program is its underlying data structure. If these data structures are inflexible/hard coded later changes may break the program and cause costly delays. The goal is to eliminate these delays and speed updates to new or current data structures.

The area of application for these flexible data structures are for agent systems where changing data needs to be defined quickly and possibly even created by the agent system itself to adapt to changing needs. This requires that no data structure be hard coded and that new knowledge can be inherited and expanded from existing knowledge.

Steven Miller

Website Copyright © 2000-2001,
By Steven Miller, All Rights Reserved